

A Few things you might be wondering.

Is coaching like therapy?

Coaching is a journey of discovery, self-awareness and reflection combined with self-motivation and action. Coaching is solution focussed and designed to move you forward rather than dwelling on the past.  It is a powerful method to help you grow, improve, and develop new skills and tools to manage your life more effectively.

Will I cry?

This is a life changing experience and there might be times during this experience that you find emotionally challenging and intense.  I will guide you through these experiences and your inner bravery will surface allowing you to face your challenges and do the emotional work required to build a loving relationship with yourself and create a life you love.  You may cry, although it is not obligatory. 

Are you going to fix me?

You do not need fixing!  I am gently going to help you realize you are already enough just the way you are. You do however need to be committed to this journey and all of the changes that are needed for this to take place.  I can support you, champion you, stimulate you to greatness but I cannot do the work for you.  

Can we meet face to face?

If you are in Sault Ste. Marie and area, and you would like to meet face-to-face, let me know.

What can I expect from you as my Transformational Coach?

  • To respect your vision – even if things get tough and you lose sight of it, I will not.

  • To challenge you when needed – old beliefs, habits and behaviors are often deep-seated.  We will uncover the underlying reasons you are stuck and set up more useful and helpful habits together.

  • To support you – I am on your team and my passion is to see you succeed. I will motivate you and support you every step of the way.

  • To be honest – even if the conversation is difficult, I will always be straight up.

  • To tailor, the information you provide me to your individual needs.  With all of the information out there the last thing you need is more information, you need the right information and the right actions for you.

  • To make it fun – it can feel so heavy for so long and I am here to make the process fun, light and as easy as I can.

What do you expect from me?

  • A commitment to change –you must commit to yourself to do the work and take responsibility for the outcome of the coaching.  Just turning up to the sessions is not enough. This is your life, and you are making a commitment to yourself to make change and become the best person you can be. 

  • A commitment to the session – be on time, take the opportunities when we are together seriously and be present in each session.

  • A commitment to the homework – take responsibility for the mutually agreed upon actions each session. Often the greatest understanding, clarity and insights come in between sessions.

  • To be honest – even when this requires difficult and uncomfortable conversations. This is a safe place that is judgement free, and it is in this space that the greatest changes are going to take place for you. 

  • To challenge yourself – you can play it safe sure, but if you really want to grow then up your game. You will be amazed at how small changes make a BIG difference.

  • To have fun – this is your life, your journey, your dreams.  Be in the moment, enjoy it, embrace it, and have fun with it.  Not everything in life has to be so serious, nor should it.  Not to mention laughing is great for the soul.  

What topics do you coach on?

I specialize in coaching people in the following areas:

  • Business/Sales Professionals

  • Healthy Living Practices

  • Stress/Anxiety/Trauma/PTSD

  • Sports Performance

  • Confidence Building

  • Manifestation Coaching

What is hypnosis?

Hypnosis is to induce a calm, focused state in one's self or another person. When in hypnosis you can still hear, see and respond to things that are said to you. The freguency of brain waves in hypnosis differ depending on how deep a trance you are in. Typically hypnosis begins with the alpha brain wave state. This is when you are in a light hypnotic state. The other more common state would be theta which is when you are in a daydream or deeper hypnotic state. Both of these states occur naturally as you transition to sleep at night.

Is hypnosis a shift into another conscious state?

Hypnosis is a shift in awareness in the direction of sleep without actually being asleep. The key factors are absorption of awareness, relaxation of the body, and a dissociation from your surroundings. 

What if I can't be hypnotized?

Everyone is hypnotisable. As a matter of fact, you are in hypnosis for about 43% of your waking day and you do not even realize it.  Hypnosis is a natural phenomenon that occurs when your subconscious mind becomes the driver of the car.  Example (you drive from point A to point B and you forget the entire drive.) 

Is coaching covered by health benefits?

Depends. Check with your insurance provider. Coaching is not covered under Social Worker or Phychologist. Some packages include extra health care spending and these services are covered under this. 

FUN FACT  we live in a country where coverage is seen by many as the predictor of there healthcare needs.  No coverage, no services.  I want to put it out there YOUR mental and physical well-being is worth every dollar you invest in yourself.  Why would you walk around struggling to walk because you ran out of chiropractic or massage benefits?  Why would you continue to have mental ailments because your coverage wasn't there?  Think about this YOUR LIFE IS WORTH IT!  

Don't let your health and wellness be defined by your benefit package.